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Loeys-Dietz Gastroenterology and Allergy Q&A




Several questions about sort of like general weight gain I know you touched on that, so if we could expand a little bit on, you know, aside from Miralax, exercise, fiber for kids or adults where, you know, like if you've tried those things like what's the next thing? 




Yeah, so, so again constipation is a really common problem in connective tissue disorders. It can really make sort of your daily your days difficult, right? because, you know, we have to have a bowel movement every day and if part of that day is spent with something that's frustrating and difficult that really can impact your quality of life.




So important things are the Miralax has to be used daily. You have to almost always precede using it daily with a clean out so a small daily dose keeps the new stool soft. It doesn't do anything about hard stool that's already in the large intestines and so you do need to do sort of a clean out to sort of reset things. 




Exercise is certainly important both for constipation, for disorders of gut brain-interaction, for joint pain that you can get in connective tissue disorders. Daily exercises super important and then beyond that if this has been a long-standing problem as I mentioned there is almost assuredly some, there's three sets of muscles that have to coordinate when you have a bowel movement and two of them have to contract and one has to relax and if they're either all contract or all relaxed you can't have an effective bowel movement, so pelvic floor physical therapy to retrain those muscles can be really crucial in terms of getting all those muscles to work together properly and so if you've had long-standing constipation by and which I mean long-standing constipation is like a year or more pelvic floor physical therapy can really, really help. 




One thing I would add is if it's trouble gaining weight that's the concern, you know, again that's one of the symptoms of undiagnosed eosinophilic esophagitis or eosinophilic GI disease, so if you have that as a symptom and no other cause has been identified it is worth seeing a gastroenterologist to get testing to make sure that that is not what's driving your poor weight gain. 




There, the, the tricky part becomes there's a subgroup of people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome and, and also Marfan syndrome that when they're little just don't put on subcutaneous fat. It's, it's well described sort of in the community but it's not really understood the mechanism for it. It goes away in, in your 20s but when you're a little kid it kind of, it doesn't matter sort of how many calories we try to pack on. There's just this real difficulty in putting on weight and teasing out whether or not there's some underlying issue that needs to be addressed or you're one of these people with just this inability to put on subcutaneous fat is, is super hard to untangle sometimes and I'm happy to help anyone sort of if they want to send their doctor to talk to me but there are a group of people with that. 




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