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Loeys-Dietz Gastroenterology and Allergy Q&A




When, when it gets to the point that a child would need a feeding tube like ages two or three because of the they're not able to gain weight should they expect to have that tube for life or is that something they might grow out of?




Almost always they're going to grow out of it, so it's, it can be really helpful to have a feeding tube basically while you're growing but once you're done growing the the number of calories you need sort of proportionally for your body weight, right? so when you're first born you need like a hundred calorie, calories for every kilogram of body weight. When you're older you need 25-35, so the the total, well the total number of calories increases the amount you have to eat for your size goes down dramatically. 




So of the people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome that I've treated who have needed a feeding tube, once they're done growing I think all of them have, yeah, all of them have had it removed once they're sort of done with their teenage growth spurt, so you know for girls that's about 15, 16, for boys that's a little bit older 17 or 18 but they've all had it out and they've done just fine. 




Yeah, I think we can say we've had a lot of patients that have needed the feeding tube and and there's always a lot of hesitation understandably. I think from the families when we put that in but I think once it's in and you see how well the child does and how much better they do with their surgeries and how much more quickly they recover. I think it's usually seen as a good decision. 




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