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LDS小児の消化器疾患 ~便秘が改善しない場合の追加検査など~

Pediatric Gastrointestinal Issues in LDS (August 27, 2020) E3 Summit




Other things to consider if you're not responding as expected to a daily stool softener and or a stimulant is additional testing. 



So there are blood tests, so celiac disease can present with constipation typically with diarrhea but 20 percent of people does present with constipation, also thyroid disease can also prevent, present with constipation. 



There are some x-ray tests where you take some tiny little plastic cheerios called sitz markers and you use an x-ray to look at them move through the colon that can help determine if there's a specific spot in the colon that is having difficulty. Also a barium enema is another type of x-ray test that can help examine the details of the shape of the colon. 



Some people with severe constipation may have something called Hirschprung's disease. This is not associated with connective tissue disorders. This would be a separate disorder and that's diagnosed with a rectal, rectal biopsy.



And lastly MRI tests can help look at the other causes of constipation that is not responding to treatment as you would expect. 



An MRI of the lower spine can evaluate for tethered cord. This is very unlikely if you do not have other neurologic symptoms and there's something called MRI defecography, which can evaluate for abnormal outpouching of the rectum or something called pelvic floor prolapse. 



An additional intervention to consider would be removing dairy from the diet for four weeks. There's a subset of kids who are not allergic to dairy by blood tests, skin tests, any test we can do but if you take dairy out of their diet their constipation improves that does not mean they're allergic to dairy. It just means they're one of these kids who respond to dairy with constipation. 



If they do respond frequently you can add small, small amounts of dairy back in such as cheeses and yogurts but if it does help most likely they will need to avoid drinking milk. 



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