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LDS小児の消化器疾患 ~長期間続く便秘の影響~

Pediatric Gastrointestinal Issues in LDS (August 27, 2020) E3 Summit




With long-term constipation we can see some other issues. 



So having a bowel movement requires coordination of several sets of muscles, some of which need to relax, some of which need to contract and when these muscles work together. This is called synergy, however with long-term constipation either the muscles can all contract or all relax and you'll develop pelvic floor dyssynergy. 



This can be addressed with pelvic floor physical therapy. There are lots of places that do this what you're looking for is a place that has someone there with the interest and experience in working with kids. 



Sometimes you need to have some testing that says that you need to have pelvic floor physical therapy and pelvic floor dyssynergy can be diagnosed with something called anorectal manometry, which most gastroenterologists should have access to. 



Other issues with long-term constipation can be that rectum can get stretched out and that prevents the sensing of the need to have a bowel movement and weakness of the intestinal wall so a stimulant might need to be added. This goes as by the names of senna or ex-lax or bisacodyl or docolax. And sometimes that is needed for either short or long-term until that rectum can come back to an appropriately sized chamber for holding stool. 



And lastly children if they're passing these painful hard stools will very quickly develop withholding behaviors in order to prevent that pain. If you have a child who has developed withholding behaviors working with a behavioral psychologist, who uses cognitive behavioral therapy can really help you, you develop a toileting program to reverse this association. 



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