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ロイス・ディーツ症候群におけるアレルギーと消化器疾患 ~便秘~

Loeys-Dietz Gastroenterology and Allergy Q&A




Very frequently in connective tissue disorders such as Loeys-Dietz syndrome you will see constipation very frequently. 




We will have people use something called Miralax, other names for it, glycolax or clearlax, the active ingredient is Peg 3350. This is a medication doesn't, that does not work if you take it intermittently. If you only take it when you have a problem with constipation you're actually going to probably get more trouble than not. 


そうした患者さんには、Miralax(別名:glycolax, clearlax 有効成分:ポリエチレングリコール 3350)という薬を処方します。この薬は飲んだり飲まなかったりすると効果がなく、問題があるときだけ服用すると、逆に便秘が悪化することになります。


If it's been long standing you may need to do a clean out beforehand and if we have specific questions about that we can go into that in more detail. 




Younger children, step stool basically in front of the toilet so that their feet aren't hanging can put those pelvic muscles in the appropriate position that can help alleviate some of the problems with emptying the intestines when they have a bowel movement. 




Long-term constipation can lead to the muscles not acting properly and very frequently when we see patients with Loeys-Dietz syndrome who are a little bit older we see that they may have this pelvic floor dyssynergy. This can be diagnosed with something called anorectal manometry and it's treated with pelvic floor physical therapy. To be honest, however, anorectal manometry is not absolutely needed. If you are someone with older elementary school student who has had constipation for several years almost assuredly there is some pelvic floor dyssynergy and pelvic floor physical therapy can be really useful in that situation. 




Also if you have a younger child who because of their constipation is having painful bowel movements and they're afraid to use the toilet cognitive behavioral therapist or CBT can be really, really helpful in those situations in order to create a situation where they're not afraid of using the toilet, which will obviously complicate the management of constipation.




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