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LDS小児の消化器疾患 ~便秘と便軟化剤~

Pediatric Gastrointestinal Issues in LDS (August 27, 2020) E3 Summit




We're going to shift gears and talk about constipation for a little bit now. 



So for this talk I'm going to use a definition of conce, of constipation as large, hard bowel movements or pellet-like bowel movements that are painful or difficult to pass or an inability to fully evacuate the rectum so that's that last part of the large intestines before it leaves your body. When you have a bowel movement such that leakage of liquid stool can occur over the course of the day. 



So I'm going to take a moment here for sort of a public service announcement. This is not new onset constipation in an adult. We are seeing a increase of rectal cancer in adults in their 30s and early 40s. We don't really understand why this is happening at this point but it is definitely real. So if you're an adult with new onset constipation or blood in your stool I would really encourage you to see your doctor for that.



So back to talking about constipation in patients with connective tissue disorders very frequently a stool softener is needed. The stool softener, which tends to be the most effective, is one called Miralax. Here are some other names for it, Glycolax, Clearlax. 



It doesn't not work well if you only take it intermittently or on an as needed basic, basis. It's really a medicine that you're either on or off. When you take it intermittently you'll actually get more leakage and you'll make the problem worse rather than better. 



It's a medicine that is not absorbed. It stays in the intestines and it holds onto water to keep that stool softer. 



If constipation has been going on for a long time before you start the daily Miralax you may need to do what's called a clean out where you flush all of the stool out of the colon so that you're starting with a clean slate. 



Another thing that's quite important for younger children is that we put the pelvic floor muscles in the appropriate position that allows them to have a complete bowel movement. 



And a tall stool, they're sold on the Internet as something called a "squatty potty" but it's really just a stool that's appropriately shaped to fit around a toilet and tall enough that the child's feet are put in the appropriate position.

そのためには、「squatty potty」などという名称でインターネットで販売されているトイレ用の台を使ってもよいでしょう。便座の根本にフィットする形状をしており、高さもあるので、お子さんの足を適切な位置に保つことができます。


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