Several people are asking about risks after aortic surgery so Juan, do you want to talk about that from the aortic point of view?
Sure, well, there are risks relative to the aorta itself, you know, in, in, that one slide. If you have Marfan syndrome unfortunately there is 10 or even more risk of a future descending aorta dissection. That's a hard thing to predict in an individual person.
But there are other things and one of them is infection of the graft, so unfortunately I have a patient right now, who has an infected graft. It's the only one I, well, no I've had two, so it's, it's a, you know, these are things that can happen that fortunately they're very unusual, don't usually happen.
One can have, you know, other things related to Marfan syndrome that are independent of the aorta but I guess the big one would be recurring aortic dissection downstream, so yes, anybody who's got these conditions requires lifelong monitoring.
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