So Karen, there's a question about children seeking therapy to cope with their diagnosis. What's your feeling on that and then Glen, I'd love to know if you've had conversations with any of your families.
Anybody that wants support from a therapist I, I support that 100 percent. The biggest piece of feedback that I would offer is to be an advocate around working with therapists that's knowledgeable about chronic health conditions and a therapist that's really willing to learn about the realities of these conditions.
There are a lot of therapists out there in the world, which is a fantastic thing but not everybody is equipped to deal with every type of condition and I think there's so much about my family's needs but there's so much about these conditions that is really hard to get one's head wrapped around the realities that things can be fine until they're not.
It's just, it's, it's not a condition, it's not a series of facts that a lot of people can really make sense of but to just really make sure that as a, as a parent that you're able to communicate that with the provider so that they can, that they can really tailor their care in a way that's realistic because we don't want a therapist trying to talk a kid out of their anxiety. That's not going to be helpful.
Glen, what about your conversations with families?
Yeah, I mean, I, I, completely agree, like I think there's definitely a role for therapy and, you know, one of the things, you know, that I try to when I'm talking with families is, you know, everyone gets something almost nowadays, right? Like so, all my kids have asthma and severe food allergies and we have epipens like lying all over our house and, you know, so there, there are things that other people get and other people inherit that, you know, if, if they could pick and choose they would say, "Well, I don't want this thing” but it doesn't have to be all that it is for you, you know. It doesn't have to define you entirely. It's important to know as much as there is to know about it but then that helps us kind of give guard rails for people to, you know, grow and develop and lead as normal lives as they can and that, that to me is really probably one of the most important messages I share with folks kind of at the time of diagnosis as well.
And I mean the other piece is like there's so much good happening with medicine right now. You know, not to mention the 30 years of prior experience but there's new medical therapies being developed. There's highly motivated communities of people that are like heavily invested in, you know, being involved in research and that, that to me is one of the most appealing things about the aortic community is people are really like saying "Hey, we, we want to do better," and they're, like, so involved. it's hard not to like go to bat for.
And someone had mentioned that sometimes the ER doesn't take you seriously. I had a patient of mine go to the ER yesterday morning and I called the ER before they went and said, "Hey, I think this person is likely to be okay but we need to do all this work-up to make sure," and, you know, if, if you're not getting through them ask your doc to call. I don't think that's too much to ask. No one made us go to med school, you know, we can do that.
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