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Living with Risk




I want to start with one thing that kept coming up in some of the questions that even were submitted the last couple days and this is about the worry about when is an emergency, in emergency. I mean let me tell you some of the specific questions. One person says they're constantly terrified and anxious that today's pain could be it; how do you stay calm and not run to the emergency room all the time? Another person says, you know, I'm 47 but my father was in his 70s when he had his aortic dissection like, you know, one of my chances, what are the chances like comparing to the parent. Somebody else's every, every time, every muscle pain they feel like, you know, is it physical and how do they handle the mental side of it and, and then another, another 16 year old that has a stable aorta root aortic root but they're still constantly worried about aortic dissection, so I don't know. Do you want to start with that one? Well, I see Glenn's nodding his head so do you want to start with that?



Yeah, I'm happy to take a stab at it. I think kind of the classic teaching with aortic dissection is that, you know, when that happens it is something that will get your attention and many people will say I knew immediately something was wrong and I usually review that with families not to put fear in them but for them to have that information to know ―― the signs of this are, you know, severe pain that's not going away, not getting better but getting worse, sweating, feeling nauseated, loss of consciousness. It's the type of thing that will really get your attention and hopefully that ends up being like having an umbrella in your car on a nice day. Hopefully that's totally unnecessary and you don't need it but I think knowing that is helpful, particularly in kids where a lot of kids will have chest pain just from growth or if they did an activity they were on a monkey bar and did something different and so I think that's kind of one of the useful things. 



In general, kind of if you can push on it and press on it and change it in general that's going to speak against something that's kind of deep within the chest like a problem with the aorta and in many cases kind of if you can stretch and change it as well that usually will argue against kind of a more deep pathology. Dr. Bowen, I'd love to hear your thoughts on that as well. 



Yeah, it's very similar in adults. The, what I tell people is usually this is something that you've never had before and, and you can tell it's bad. Now there are, there are people who have more subtle and they tend to be the elderly, particularly elderly people with diabetes, obviously people with cognitive impairment so and, and then because of the orientation of pain fibers in the aorta, which tend to be on the outside of the aorta, some people have a type of dissection that is such that it just doesn't cause this extreme pain so it can be a problem and I would say that, you know, if you go to the emergency room and get checked that's not a disaster, you know, if you turn, turns out that it was an innocuous problem, so what? Yeah, I would feel good that you didn't have an aortic dissection and I think a lot of our patients do wind up getting, you know, an emergency visit or testing periodically, which is I think that's just part of the story here.



Karen, what do you say from, you know, the mental health side of things. I mean you said right one of your last slides that, you know, all the self-talk, I mean, some of it's based in reality and so there are worries so what would you say? 



Right, well again I mean I can't say this enough. I just really want to validate and normalize that, that fear is realistic just because I feel the fear doesn't mean it's a physical crisis but it's not realistic to ask yourself to not be terrified when you feel something scary and painful that isn't familiar because although they are still rare events, they are events that happen considerably more often within these communities than they do in the general public and that's really where I'm getting at. 



Okay, so I can tell myself that it's not terribly likely that this is an emergency and there's a decent amount of truth to that but I can't talk myself out of that with the same degree of certainty as somebody without one of these conditions, so it's really a two-fold answer, yes definitely listen to, listen to the experts around, "how are you going to know if it's an emergency?" You don't want to live your life in the emergency room because that's awful in a whole other way but when you're not sure get checked. 



It's, it's okay somebody just said something like there's no heroics about not going to the ER or something along those lines, it popped up quickly and then it disappeared but, you know, if you need that reassurance especially as you're learning your body, there's a certain amount of that, that's going to be useful information, and attending to that fear and attending to the anxiety and finding ways to cope with it even apart from those instances where you feel something strange. 



I think it was Katie Wright. Somebody coined the term "painxiety," you know, the anxiety that comes any time you feel a pain or an ache for something that's different and it really is a real thing that that patients struggle with within these communities.

痛みが生じた時に感じる不安を意味する"painxiety"という言葉をつくったのはKatie Writeだったと思いますが、我々の患者コミュニティは"painxiety"と戦っているといえます。


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