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動脈瘤・解離の管理 ~解離とは~

Vascular Surgery




Dissection on the other hand is different. Dissection means that there's a tear in the wall of the artery or the aorta and blood then flows between those layers and what that does is then as you can see in the picture in black and white, I don't have an arrow to show you but you see where I said I label false lumen and true lumen and then there's a line in between them, so that is a dissection where the inner liner has sheared off. 


動脈の解離とは、動脈や大動脈の壁に裂け目ができて、そこから層と層の間へと血液が流れ込むことを指します。スライドの白黒画像には、偽腔(False lumen)と真腔(True lumen)があり、その間に線が入っているのが見えると思います。この画像のように、内側の膜が剥がれた状態を解離と呼びます。


And what that does is a couple things. One is it can weaken the wall of the the false lumen. The artery or the aorta on that side becomes weaker and it can bulge out over time and become an aneurysm or it can cut off blood flow to branch arteries that are coming off that, that main artery or it can clog, block the artery itself, so that's why dissections are problematic either because they weaken the artery, they can cause rupture or like I said they can occlude the artery or block it off. 




Depending on where they are there's different terminology but basically you reference it to where it is in the artery and then you know if it's in the aorta you'll say, you know, is it in ascending aorta or the descending aorta or commonly you'll hear the terminology type A and type B dissections, next slide.




And you can have aneurysms and dissections in the same person and not necessarily in the same arteries. So this is a CT scan. It's a side view of a cut of somebody's aorta showing you that they have an aneurysm on one side say they have an ascending aneurysm and then they have a descending thoracic aortic dissection where the arrow shows dissection and this is a person who had Marfan syndrome, so you can say you can see that both of them can coexist in a person, next slide.




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