
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

動脈瘤・解離の管理 ~動脈瘤とは~

Vascular Surgery




Basically my goal for the audience here is to learn the difference between aneurysms and dissections because frequently people can confuse the two. I will show you the distribution of the arterial pathology in vascular EDS, Loeys-Dietz and Marfan syndrome and based on our recent data and then I'll talk about what vascular surgeons use in our toolbox in terms of repair principles and how we approach repair and that should include embolization you'll hear that term, stenting these are both endovascular methodologies and then I'll talk about the open surgical repair and I'll briefly touch on management by location and then we'll have time for questions, next slide please.




We'll start with aneurysm. When you hear the term aneurysm what that means is that it's dilation of the artery to more than one and a half size of normal, so every arteries there are some set criteria for what makes a normal artery, abnormal artery and then if the size grows to one and a half times that then it is an aneurysm. 




So for example, when we talk about the abdominal aorta the abdominal aorta on average measures about two centimeters and so if it's three and a half centimeters then that is considered a small aneurysm. It doesn't mean that it has to be fixed at that size but it just means that it is an aneurysm 




And usually aneurysms have no symptoms unless they're very large and they're causing compression around on the tissue around them. 




They can come in different shapes. They can come in the fusiform shape that you can see here in the slide or saccular which is more like a ballooning off the wall itself. 




And then obviously we care about them because they can rupture and that's when they cause the internal bleeding. Basically the blood is leaking outside the the artery in that circumstance and usually that's associated with severe pain, next slide.




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