There are circumstances in which there are aneurysms like I said and these require an open repair and like I said in extreme circumstances is a case of a woman who had embolization of her carotid artery, so that can be done as well, next slide.
Subclavian arteries, I've shown you one picture of somebody that I've embolized subclavian artery on but also there are reports of subclavian arteries ruptures that were treated with stenting and then on the picture on the right is somebody who I had to do a bypass on. This is somebody who had Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, not vascular subtype but another subtype who needed an open operation, next slide.
This is again an example of what that looks like in somebody with Marfan syndrome and you can see that in this circumstance we had to do what we call a sternotomy and then extend it to the cluv, over the clavicle, above the clavicle and then replace it and you can see the arrow in the middle picture shows you the aneurysm and then on the right picture shows you the graft itself, next slide.
This is a different location of a subclavian artery aneurysm in somebody where it's further out towards beyond the clavicle itself the next picture and again those can be treated, we treated him with an incision again above the clavicle and we're able to treat that that's the if you can go to the next slide please. And again you can see it looks like a ball basically and we replace it with that decron graft so a picture B shows you the aneurysm. Picture C shows you the aneurysm once it's open and then D, the dacron material, next slide.
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