So aortic aneurysms, this is specifically for abdominal aortic aneurysms, not, not ascending you've heard a lot about the ascending and root aneurysm thresholds but this is for abdominal aortic aneurysms and you can see from population studies. The, the number of five and a half centimeters that's when your abdominal aortic aneurysm reaches five and a half centimeter. That's when the risk of rupture starts going up and that is when we recommend repair in the general population. This is a great starting point for people who have a named condition meaning vascular EDS, Loeys-Dietz, Marfan syndrome and again there are no specific guidelines but in general it seems like people with Marfan syndrome can tolerate up to five and a half centimeters before repair whereas people with vascular EDS in my experience I offer repair at a smaller size and that's both myself and James Black from the East Coast. We think that repair at a smaller size is more beneficial and again we'll have some data coming up on that in the, in the next six months or so, next slide.
For visceral aneurysms these are the aneurysms that supply the blood vessels to the intestines, for example, in the kidney arteries. There are guidelines in the that has been established by the society for vascular surgery and these are great guidelines that are, that anchor our discussion when we talk about repair. These again are based on population studies, so not specifically for people with named diagnoses but it makes our discussion a lot easier, so for example when you look at gastric and gastroepiploic arteries it recommends repair regardless of size and so again we have this discussion if somebody has these and and be, you know, anchor our discussions in these size criteria and make a decision that is individualized with the person who has these aneurysms, next slide.
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