
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

動脈瘤・解離の管理 ~治療法~

Vascular Surgery




So in terms of repair principles we do know that most aneurysms and dissections can be managed non-operatively and I think this is a very important concept to make because when people hear that they have a dissection or aneurysm, you know, that is obviously a worrisome diagnosis but it's important to recognize that most of them can be managed non-operatively.




But when we do repair them we always want to weigh the risk of surgery and the benefit of surgery and the benefit is to prevent the risk of aneurysm rupture. So once the aneurysm reaches a certain size that, that it is at risk for rupture then the benefit of surgery is becomes more important than the risk of surgery and so we base that, based on size criteria and I'll show you how we come to these size criteria and then for dissections if there's blockage of the arteries or if there's rupture obviously then they need to be repaired. 




We don't have specific guidelines for vascular EDS, Loeys-Dietz, Marfan syndrome specifically but we do have general guidelines that are derived from population studies among people who don't have these diagnoses, next slide. 




Other principles that are important to understand is that elective surgery has better outcomes than emergency surgery. This is very important because sometimes people say, "Well, what if we just wait until we have a rupture and then do the repair?" Well, we know from population data that people who have ruptured aneurysms do worse than people who have elective repair of their aneurysms, so again ideally you want to detect these things, if they are there and you want to have a discussion about repair, so you can do these in what we call an elective setting, meaning things are controlled. We have a team that's set up, it's not in the middle of the night and we have everything we have in our system to make this a very successful surgery and again the data support that, next slide. 




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