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大動脈の画像検査 ~MRAでみる大動脈解離~

Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered




How does dissection look by MRI, so this is an example on the right, left side top you see this cartoon with blood flowing through it and you're acquiring this angiogram multiple times and this dark line here going through is the dissection and you can see the true lumen in the sense that the normal aortic tissue fills in first and then the flap on the other side fills in after the false lumen and these are all the angiograms you can acquire about 30 of them in, in about a minute and a half and you can combine all those. The good thing about this is it tells you how the blood is flowing from one part to the other and where things may be going wrong. 




This is a similar example of a dissection by MR, MRA imaging. 




And this is a, as I said a cinematic image where you get a cine or not of, not only the heart but also you can see the dissection in the back and here too there is a dissection this this thing that's moving in the aorta is the flap. That's that's the portion that is torn and that's kind of flapping it's called the flap, intimal flap that's what it's called. One side is the true lumen and the other side is the false human and we can, mobility of it tells us how chronic a dissection is sometimes and that that's the same thing here you can see in the descending aorta. 




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