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妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~妊娠中の心エコー・MRI・CT検査~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives




So all our patients with aortic disease should be seen on a regular basis throughout the pregnancy for evaluating the aortic root and echocardiography is the preferred diagnostic tool in these, these, these patients, so as we all know, it's safe, it's easy to use and it's widely available, so it's the most important diagnostic tool in pregnancy and most importantly it does not use any ionizing radiation so there are no reports on adverse fetal effects for the diagnostic use of sonography. 




So in the case we suspect that there is dilatation of the parts of the aorta we cannot correctly assess with echo, then we should use an MRI scan and again by using this technique there are no reported biological effects of MRI on fetuses. 




However, there is a case of a suspected acute aortic dissection, then an MRI can take too long so in these situations we definitely need to use the CT scan to quickly come to the correct diagnosis.




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