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妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~妊娠中の心血管手術~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives




So I will continue with the final part of my presentation and discuss surgery during pregnancy and of course this is something we want to avoid but unfortunately still it's sometimes necessary in case of an acute type A dissection, in which emergency surgery is indicated and what is also true for patients who are not pregnant this procedure still has a very a high maternal but also fetal mortality, however, not performing the surgery of course is almost never an option. 




So the second indication is non-emergency surgery and this complex decision is always complex and should be made after a thorough discussion on a case-to-case basis and it should be considered according to the European guidelines in patients with a dilated aorta with a rapid increase in diameter but usually 40 millimeter is always time to discuss the risks and benefits in the team and of course also with the parents. 




What do we know about the outcome after aortic dissection or Julie already showed you some data of the IRAD registry and it's this registry, they assess the outcome in 29 pregnant patients with the dissection and in this cohort it was an in-hospital mortality of three percent, which is actually rather low and unfortunately in other studies a much higher mortality of up to 24.6 percent is, is being, being seen, so it's actually still believed, which is also clear from the other reports, that there is still a substantial mortality of the maternal dissection.


De Backer先生からもあったように、妊娠中の大動脈解離の転帰については、IRADレジストリのデータに基づきます。こちらがそのデータですが、妊娠中に大動脈解離を起こした29名を評価したものです。この集団においては、院内死亡率は3%とかなり低い数値といえますが、残念ながら他の研究では、最大24.6%と、かなり高い数値となっています。他の報告からもわかることですが、妊娠中の大動脈解離による死亡率は依然としてかなり高いといえます。


So if we look a little bit in more detail to elective surgery during pregnancy the outcomes have improved but in some studies reporting an equal mortality as in non-pregnant patients, however, one back again, in other studies a much higher mortality was reported regardless of this maternal mortality. 




There still is a high risk of fetal complication and death, so there's still a lot of debate going on about what is the best timing for elective surgery during pregnancy and if again we look at the European guidelines they recommend to perform the semi-elective surgery to be performed between the 13th and the 28th week of gestation while others advise the third trimester to be the most optimal moment to perform surgery although of course this really again depends on the specific characteristics of every single case.




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