Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives
Of course, the question of the timing has been evaluated a little bit in more detail in this recently published meta-analysis and in this analysis they analyzed 386 patients, most of them operated with urgent or emergency indication and 31 percent of them because of aortic dissection and what they saw was the timing of surgery had no statistically relevant impact on the material mortality and also C-section prior to surgery did not significantly affect the maternal mortality, so the authors concluded that clinical condition really is key in guiding the decision when to operate.
But on the other hand if we look at the fetal outcome after surgery we can see that in the third trimester it is the lowest mortality although this is not statistically significant but on the other hand if a C-section was performed and of course this most of these cases were in third trimester but if this is performed before surgery the fetal mortality is significantly lower compared to no C-section before surgery.
So the main conclusion of, one of the conclusions of the authors was that it is, it should be considered to perform a C-section if the fetus is viable.
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