Same thing for gastroenterology and nutrition for Loeys-Dietz syndrome. We do follow the growth of our patients, especially our young kiddos very closely, especially if someone is looking at a surgery in the near future we really want to optimize their growth and their weight because kids tend to kind of plateau and lose weight after surgery, so we want to make sure that they're an optimal place.
If there are really, if there are big problems with failure to thrive or food allergies, many of our kids with allergic disease do require g-tubes to help get the caloric intake that they need. We are period, periodically monitoring calcium and vitamin D and we're using typical protocols for that, so we really want to make sure that we're reviewing the literature and working with our GI colleagues for any new GI updates.
And maybe Dr. Dietz all this kick to you for the one thing because it comes up routinely about risk of cancers in Loeys-Dietz syndrome and kind of interpretation of the literature there?
Sure, so when we first identified Loeys-Dietz syndrome and recognized that it was caused by mutations in the TGF beta signaling pathway we had some concern that that might also cause people to have increased risk for certain cancers, especially certain gastrointestinal cancers like colon cancer.
The reason for that is that mutations in these same genes had been identified in the tumors of people with colon cancer that was identified in their 60s or 70s or 80s. Importantly, in the colon cancer there are many different DNA changes that have occurred not just a change in one of these TGF beta genes.
We monitored our families carefully and I, I have to say that we were greatly relieved not to see an increased incidence of cancer in people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome. There might be some suggestion that if someone with Loeys-Dietz syndrome has certain types of cancer for a different reason unrelated to Loeys-Dietz syndrome that their cancer might be a little more aggressive but we're still not ready to even make that conclusion.
In general people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome should follow standard guidelines regarding when to start, for example, having surveillance procedures done to look for cancer. It would parallel what occurs in the general population, for example, regarding colonoscopy.
So the, the good news is that by and large people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome do not have to worry about an increased cancer risk.
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