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LDS Guidelines: Then vs. Now




If anyone has any thoughts on just osteoporosis or joint degradation we might see in Loeys-Dietz syndrome and any type of supplement in terms of calcium or things like that?




Yeah, so Tony might have more to add but certainly some people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome show reduced mineralization of their bone, reduced deposition of calcium that makes bones strong. Sometimes that can be severe and can make someone more likely to have a bone fracture even with a only a very minor injury. 




In people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome that have shown a tendency to fracture easily we would strongly recommend visiting with a bone health specialist. There are physicians, largely endocrinologists that specialize in bone health and there are some medicines including some very effective medications that can help improve the quality of the bone. 




There are other people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome that have very mild abnormalities of their bone calcification, something called osteopenia rather than the more severe osteoporosis. We would want them to make sure that their level of vitamin D is optimized. We want them to make sure that they have good calcium intake, so people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome should think about their bone health.




Joints are in, in many connective tissue disorders, are more prone to injury. A, a loose joint is more likely to undergo wear and tear and so we do think that people should pay attention to their body, listen to their joints if an activity causes pain or predictably causes pain or injury they should avoid that activity. 




That but the, the joint destruction that can happen in connective tissue disorders is largely related to a process called osteoarthritis. It's the wear and tear kind of arthritis rather than the autoimmune form of arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis, so the bottom line is pay attention to your joints, respect your joints.




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