Children's Heart Issues in Marfan, Loeys Dietz, and vEDS - Virtual Symposium Series (4/9/19)
So what about the scheduling of MRI monitoring from head to pelvis, is different from Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, vEDS?
Yeah, so for most patients with Marfan syndrome, you know, the likelihood that we're going to see peripheral artery aneurysms, one in the brain or abdomen, is much lower than it is for a vascular EDS or for Loeys-Dietz syndrome.
My current protocol is to do MRI monitoring from head to pelvis for patients with vascular EDS and Loeys-Dietz syndrome, about every two or three years, that you know, there are some things that sort of modify how I think about that, so if, if I find something that's abnormal, so if there's already an enlargement of a vessel, I'm more likely to do it more frequently maybe one or two years rather than two or three.
If there's a very strong family history of peripheral vascular aneurysms and dissections, I'm more likely to screen more frequently. Also, you know, if there's a Marfan patient that has a peripheral aneurysm, the patient will have much more frequent screening than most Marfan patients.
So it really sort of depends on the family history, what we found on the initial MRI, how big the aorta is, whether they have tortuosity. We know that tortuosity of the vertebral arteries, the more tortuous those arteries, the more likely that there's going to be an event and that could be an aortic event or a peripheral event, so patients with a lot of tortuosity, I image more frequently as well.
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