Children with Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, and VEDS: More than Medicine
Well, what about vEDS and LDS? You know, of course, this is a condition, these conditions are much less prevalent than Marfans, I think it's probably 25 to 50 percent less if I've read my epidemiology literature correctly.
There is a paper from a very famous author a couple three years ago, report parents reporting problems with motor and speech development and feeding in children with vascular EDS and of course that was Tom Collins, who's also on our webinar today. So, yeah, there is a hint of this and certainly in our patients we've seen evidence of that as well.
非常に有名な研究者であり、この後プレゼンいただくTom Collins氏が、3年ほど前に発表した論文があります。親御さんからの報告をまとめたものですが、これによるとvEDSの子どもでは、運動・発話の発達および栄養摂取に問題がみられたとのことです。私が担当する患者さんでも、同様の所見を確認しています。
Do I see as much evidence in vascular EDS as I do in Marfan syndrome? No, I don't at least in our populations when we do see it at least in my view. I, what I find it's related to fatigue, hypotonia, maybe other motor issues and so forth.
Marfan症候群ではエビデンスがあることを確認していますが、vEDSでは確認していません。ですが、少なくともThe Marfan Foundationの会員で、疲労や低血圧、運動機能の発達の遅れなどの所見がみられました。
Now would we, would we believe that there's some possibility that vascular EDS should have a role in brain development and function? Well, collagens are a major constituent of the membrane covering of the brain, which plays an important role in brain development so conceptually theoretically there could be something there and for both conditions variants and modifier genes also might affect clinical severity and of course you cannot put aside issues related to arterial malformations, aneurysms, dissection, hemorrhage, tortuosity in the brain that could also affect certainly later in life for sure but perhaps even early in life.
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