Children with Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, and VEDS: More than Medicine
So does Marfan syndrome increase risk for neuropsychiatric or learning disorders? I don't know. I have absolutely no definitive idea at this point but we can answer this question with a well-designed research study and, and we've been talking about this at Stanford about how we could potentially start one of these studies and maybe even have it be multi-site using multi-dimensional assessment instruments and appropriate comparison groups and I'll tell you what I mean by that.
So what would we really in the ideal study look at to try and answer this question? We would look at psychosocial and behavioral characteristics. We would look at cognitive and neuropsychological abilities. We would look at that type of variation that I was just talking about in the FBN1 gene and possibly its interaction with other genes. We would look at brain imaging.
You might say, "Well, why would we do brain imaging?" Well, imaging of brain structure, function, connectivity, metabolic aspects will give you important information that's much closer to genetic structure than, for example, measuring behavior and cognition and learning.
We'd also have to measure specific environmental moderators. So the socioeconomic status, aspects of the family, how good or fit is the school that a child is going to in, in pediatric population, medical morbidity, I'm going to talk about this more later, you know, how sick is this child, how many operations has he or she had, quality of life and then of course medication effects.
And, you know, there's lots of, there's, there's lots of casual generally casual information about possible effects of medication on mood and learning and certainly it doesn't take a scientist to figure out, you know, if you're taking a medicine that makes you sleepy and fatigued and drowsy that's going to affect your behavior and your learning.
What do we mean by appropriate comparison groups? Well, if you just compared children and adolescents, for example, with Marfan syndrome to what we call neurotypical controls, are typically developing children that don't have Marfan syndrome. You have all of the overlay of issues related to the medical morbidity and so those by themselves can certainly cause increased stress, interference with learning, psychosocial behavioral issues and so it's not an appropriate control group.
And we've been thinking it, we've been thinking a lot about this because you do want to have an appropriate control group at least one control group that has medical features without the same specific genetic risk.
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