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新型コロナウイルス感染症と大動脈疾患についての最新研究 ~ACE阻害薬・ARBについて~

Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research




So we, we probably just we, we just started to learn about the mechanism of COVID-19. It involved the angiotensin receptor pathway and since many of our patients do take these drugs, there was a thought that maybe it may put patients at higher risk or may protect them. We really didn't know and now studies have been done to confirm the results of these, and so Kim, do you want to go over this?



Yes, thank you Joe, that obviously for, for many of our patients with genetic aortic disease this was a real concern and early on it was discovered that the the virus can enter the lungs through the spike protein and and shares the receptor with at least the ACE inhibitors and maybe the ARBs.



And there was a small study, as I recall, out of Europe, suggesting that maybe viral shedding was longer in people who were on ACE inhibitors and this, this prompted a huge outcry about what's, what's, what's the risk.



Much later now we've got a almost a year of data suggesting that there is no apparent signal that these drugs, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, the beta blockers, the calcium blockers, the diuretics that we use, they do not appear to confer a higher risk of developing severe complications of COVID-19.



And in fact, there are a couple of observational studies that raise the question whether if you're hospitalized with COVID-19, being on an ACEI or an ARB actually could be associated with a lower risk of mortality.



So this, this is a very important finding and we don't want patients to worry about the drugs they're on for their aorta. They do not appear to be interacting with COVID infections in a way that puts you at risk.



There's also been a lot of talk about the coagulation that get, gets turned on by the COVID-19 virus in some patient and we, we actually want our patients who are on blood thinners to continue those to reduce the risk of coagulation and clotting.



So patients who have genetic aortopathy should continue on the medications that they've been given that are evidence-based that appear to reduce the chance that they're going to develop an enlarged aorta or a tear in the aorta or hypertension, for example, and thankfully the science, I think now, on this topic is very solid, Joe?



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