
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

歯科とマルファン症候群 ~マルファン症候群の頭蓋顔面的特徴に関するこれまでの研究~

Dental Concerns of Marfan Syndrome (Virtual Medical Symposium Series - 01-16-2020)




So there are a lot of studies that have already looked at this. They're studies by Ting et al. and they use photographs and they found that all of those features were more prevalent in Marfan subjects as, as compared to non-Marfan subjects.


They also looked at the diagnostic value of skeletal features and that's someone, a name is probably familiar, Dr. Sponseller et al. looked at subjects using the Ghent Nosology and found that Marfan patients 89.5% of them had craniofacial features as compared to non-Marfan patients.



There was a study and it's, it's one of the few that looked at cephalometric analysis. This is what you get if you go to the orthodontist. It's really just looking at the jaws in relation to each other and teeth in relation to each other and the jaws and there was a finding that indeed the palatal vault height is greater in Marfan subjects and the maxilla, or the upper jaw, is shorter. They're tended to be more likely to have smaller lower jaw as well.



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