Navigating GI Management in LDS
So, a summary and then I'm happy to take questions.
BMI should be looked at at every visit. Proper nutrition can lead to a faster recovery from surgery with a lower risk of complications and contribute to better bone health.
Constipation is something that should be managed to avoid long-term complications.
Food allergies are common in Loeys-Dietz syndrome, both the fast IgE-mediated allergy and the slow non-IgE inflammatory condition. Epinephrine should not be a first-line treatment but should be used for life-threatening conditions.
Disorders of gut-brain interaction are common in everybody, and there are many options for managing these.
Hernias can occur in Loeys-Dietz syndrome; these are something that should be considered when evaluating for abdominal pain. These typically need to be repaired surgically, and so that needs to be part of the conversation.
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