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ロイス・ディーツ症候群における消化器管理 〜機能性胃腸障害〜

Navigating GI Management in LDS




So the last thing in terms of... oh, there are a couple of other things. One of them is disorders of gut-brain interaction or functional GI disorders, and I want to talk about this because this is really common in humans. It may be more common in people with connective tissue disorders, but in some studies up to 40% of people have some aspect of this.




There are symptoms of GI pain, bloating, uncomfortableness, but all of the testing is normal. The way I tell people to think about that is to sort of think about it as a headache in your belly. You have just as many nerves in your belly as you do up in your head. Some days you have a headache, and some days Tylenol doesn't help, some days ibuprofen doesn't help. Some days you have a really stressful day and you get a headache. You know, if it goes on for a long time, you're going to see a doctor. They'll do a neurologic exam, maybe even if it's really bad they might even do an MRI, and that test... everything comes back normal. No one says "I don't believe you, you don't have a headache." Everybody believes you that you have a headache. The same thing can happen in your belly in terms of getting a headache there, and things that we use to treat headaches are the same things we use to treat these.




These are good things to just consider in general for handling lots of chronic stresses. Really important things in terms of managing any of these are sleep hygiene, so having a sleep schedule, keeping a good regulated time to go to bed and time to wake up, keeping yourself well hydrated, having some form of daily exercise. Super, super important for all of normal human manifestations of stress.




But you know, people with LDS can get headaches and migraines. They may be more susceptible to these disorders of gut-brain interaction, to joint pain. This sort of daily exercise helps for all of these things. So I'm a strong believer in cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT, which can be done by behavioral psychologists, in terms of just managing all of these issues, managing stress, and managing, handling multiple surgeries. All of these things are really great for everyone.




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