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LDSガイドラインの改訂に向けて ~神経学的所見と脳脊髄液漏出症について~

LDS Guidelines: Then vs. Now




In 2014 we did talk about kind of neurological issues. In the first reports of Loeys-Dietz syndrome we had some cases of individuals with intellectual disability, however, we think this is really related to undiagnosed hydrocephalus or a fluid buildup in the ventricles that puts pressure on the brain that's causing increased intracranial pressure and that the intellectual disability is really kind of a result of those features because as you know and as we appreciate our Loeys-Dietz population are the smartest, funniest, wittiest, most creative people out there, so we think that there really isn't intellectual disability as part of Loeys-Dietz syndrome. Hydrocephalus is rare. Dural ectasia like we said is somewhat common but often asymptomatic. 




There was a question there about spontaneous CFS leaks. I don't know, Dr. Dietz, I don't think of spontaneous CSF leaks very commonly. I think we can see them more frequently with spinal interventions as a complication after spinal surgery. There can be, you know, slower leaks impacting headaches but I don't know about your thoughts on spontaneous CSF leaks. 




So fortunately spontaneous CSF leaks are rare but they can occur in people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome and Marfan syndrome and other connective tissue disorders. 




If someone has a unexplained sudden onset horrible headache that's very positional that is greatly aggravated by a change in position such as sitting up from a lying position, then and that's going on for a long time, then a spontaneous cerebral spinal fluid leak should be considered. 




There are imaging studies that can help to try to diagnose whether a spontaneous CSF leak has happened and there are also some interventions that can be performed to treat a CSF leak and relieve the headache, so it's something that should not be top on people's minds but something that is, is possible. 




Thanks. Some of our patients can also, if they have a dissection in their vertebral or carotids can have strokes and so making sure that again we're expanding on that cerebrovascular section and stroke management. 




And I see everyone is like, address headaches, address headaches. We realize that this can be quite an issue and I'm putting together another talk. Hopefully, we'll get that next year on kind of what to think about when you have headaches and how to describe them and kind of the different types of headaches, so hopefully we'll have a little bit more education on that, too.




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