Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research
So let's go on to talk about some of the medications that have now been approved to treat COVID-19 in when you're in the hospital. Kim,do you want to go over some of these?
I do, delighted to do that, and again I guess, I would start by reflecting on how much progress we've made in the last 10 months to think about understanding therapies that do potentially have benefit for patients who have COVID-19 and some that don't.
And we'll cover the steroid dexamethasone, an antiviral called remdisivir, we'll talk very briefly about the monoclonal antibodies that are now available and then a comment or two about convalescent plasma and Hydroxychloroquine.
This slide illustrates, I think, the key features of the use of dexamethasone, which, as you know, is a steroid and we know that the COVID-19 virus really revs up inflammation and it does that particularly in the lungs and can also do that in the kidneys, occasionally also the heart.
So the notion that a steroid, which is something that suppresses inflammation, might have benefit, makes a lot of sense and we do think that some, some individuals with COVID-19, their inflammatory response is too great. It's almost like the level of inflammation that they need to fight the virus is, is like super-sized and, and for these people then the use of steroids may really calm that down.
So studies have been done, randomized studies comparing a placebo to the drug and these appear to show that dexamethasone is associated with a lower mortality out at about four weeks and it appears that the patients who benefit the most are the sickest, that is those who already have required supplemental oxygen or they need to be on a ventilator to support their ability to oxygenate.
So dexamethasone appears to benefit patients and it's especially true for those who are the most ill, which is obviously great news for those individuals who are very, very sick when they get into the hospital or become sick later on.
Remdesivir is an antiviral and it may slightly improve short-term outcomes in patients who have moderate COVID-19 infection. Studies suggest that this drug given after hospitalization for patients with COVID-19 pneumonia may benefit.
It again appears that it's most useful for people who are on the more ill side. They're requiring oxygen and patients have a quicker recovery compared to patients who don't get remdesivir and as I mentioned, it's patients on oxygen who may be particularly benefit.
The treatment has been compared a five-day course versus ten-day course and there does not appear to be a dramatic benefit to giving the drug for a longer period of time
So here are two drugs dexamethasone and remdesivir that are currently being used commonly in patients with COVID-19 hospitalized with pneumonia and the sicker they are perhaps the more benefit from these agents.
The next slide, I'll simply mention what it shows there, there are two companies have now developed monoclonal antibodies that are specifically targeting COVID-19 and so this would make all kinds of sense if we could target an antibody to, to this virus. It might have a profound effect and so the studies would suggest that monoclonal antibody therapy may have value in patients with COVID-19.
But it's being given earlier. It's being given to patients who might be pre-hospitalization and they clearly have evidence of COVID infection, that's involving their lungs. They may not yet require hospitalization and particularly if they have a high risk condition.
For instance, I have a patient who has had a renal transplant and she developed mild symptoms of COVID. We, we wanted to get the monoclonal antibody for her to try to prevent progression of her infection that would lead to potentially hospitalization or significant respiratory failure.
Another form of therapy that you've heard about in the news is the use of convalescent plasma. So this is the idea that you take the blood from somebody who's had a COVID infection and harvest that blood and give plasma back that has presumed antibody against the virus to help patients who develop COVID-19.
So far the evidence supporting the use of convalescent plasma is not really very strong. There ironically is a study out, I think, just today looking at this, suggesting that if the plasma had higher levels of antibody compared to lower levels, then we might have some benefit but I would say to you the jury on the use of COVID, on the use of convalescent plasma is, is still out. It is being tried. It may be useful but we're not sure. Let's go then to the next slide.
You're all familiar with hydroxychloroquine. You know, early on in the infection there was such fervor for a treatment, anything that hydroxychloroquine, which is an anti-malarial, entered the mainstream news and suddenly everybody in the world was thinking about hydroxychloroquine.
It's a, it's an antibiotic, it's already approved for something else and there were a couple of early tiny studies not looking at large groups of patients with COVID but smaller studies looking at mechanism that raised the question, "Would this be useful?"
Subsequently, I think it's very clear: multiple studies including randomized trials of large groups of people suggest that hydroxychloroquine does not improve survival in patients with COVID-19.
It also does not appear to be preventive of developing a clinical symptom if you get exposed to COVID and in particular, this is a drug that can affect how the EKG of the heart, how the electrical system of the heart works, and in combination with other antibiotics it can actually slightly increase the risk of dangerous arrhythmias.
So the data on hydroxychloroquine, I think, is clear: it does not have benefit and in combination with certain other drugs that some of our patients are on, there may be a slight risk of harm, Next slide.
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