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COVID-19 Questions & Answers - September 2021







My name is Dr. Kim Eagle. I'm a board-certified internist and cardiologist at the University of Michigan. I have the pleasure of serving as an advisory member of the board for The Marfan Foundation. I'm also editor-in-chief of acc.org, which is an international website that provides educational information to caregivers and patients around the world on cardiovascular care as part of my work with acc.org. 

Kim Eagleと申します。私は米国公認内科医であり、ミシガン大学で循環器内科医をしています。The Marfan Foundationの諮問委員会の一員であることを光栄に感じています。また、米国心臓病学会(ACC)の編集主幹も務めています。私が関わる、国際的なウェブサイトであるacc.orgは、医療者そして患者様向けに心血管系疾患の治療に関する教育的な情報を提供しています。


I've been following the scientific literature related to COVID-19 ever since its outbreak started and I see the scientific publications that are available each week and we make those pieces of information available to people who provide care to patients around the world. As a consequence I'm pretty up to date on the scientific literature related to COVID-19. 



And I'm very happy to have the chance to interpret some of that information for members of this audience, particularly people who have Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz syndrome, vascular EDS. This seminar is especially directed for them.







The story of COVID-19 continues to evolve rapidly. The research is robust around the world and we're learning things virtually every week. 



Clearly the delta variant has been a very important development. This particular virus is probably twice as infectious as the alpha variant, which is the most common one that we've seen here and perhaps a little bit more serious in terms of the type of infection it causes. 



We continue to learn more about vaccines and that is very helpful to the program that we have in the United States and around the world and so those are developments that are ongoing as well. We'll talk a bit more about those vaccines in a few minutes.



There are, I think, more therapies clearly indicated now for patients who are infected and some of those treatments we'll also discuss as part of this review today. 







We get asked all the time if  one of the vaccines is either safer or more effective than others for individuals who have connective tissue disorders like Marfan syndrome,  Loeys-Dietz syndrome, vascular EDS.



So far we don't have any indication that one vaccine is either safer or more effective than the others in this particular population of individuals. 







People ask me all the time if the trials of the vaccine have specifically targeted individuals with Loeys-Dietz, Marfan syndrome, vascular EDS. 



And to my knowledge they have not enrolled special populations with those types of concerns but to my knowledge also these individuals have not been excluded from the studies of vaccine efficacy.



So we assume that in the studies, which really now number over a 100,000 individuals in our country that there are individuals with Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz, vEDS, who have been part of those trials. 



And I think the, the thing to say is that we've studied the both the effectiveness and the safety of the vaccine so carefully in the surveillance of what has happened to individuals getting the vaccine that if there was a strong signal that either the vaccines were more dangerous or less effective in this population of individuals I think we would have seen it.







We've seen some publications and the late press has talked about clotting syndromes after the vaccine and also inflammation of the heart muscle. 



Let me start out by saying that those complications are extraordinarily rare. There is a signal of a slight increased risk of clotting tendency in a very small minority of individuals getting the vaccines. It is very rare and typically happens in women in the, say, 20 to 50 year range as a, as a more significant group of individuals where we've seen a few of those. 



The concern about inflammation of the heart myocarditis has also been that been out there as a consequence of the vaccine. That is very rare. It is usually not clinically very harmful to the individual and so far looks like the the vast, vast, vast majority of those people recover. It's been seen in a little more commonly in younger individuals 12 to 15, 15 to 18 young men and boys predominantly but the risk of it is incredibly low. It's like one in 20,000 people. 



And I want to emphasize that the risk of these rare side effects is way less than the risk of a complication if a person gets COVID-19 so the weight of evidence favors the vaccine by far. 







I'm often asked whether people with connective tissue disorders who get the vaccine are more at risk for those rare complications and to our knowledge they're not. We don't have any, any evidence to date that individuals with connective tissue disorders are particularly prone to these rare side effects. 







The science of the third shot or the booster shot is continuing to evolve. 



Not too long ago the CDC announced that individuals who have immune compromise such as organ transplants, patients getting chemotherapy for cancer, individuals who are, say, on prednisone, people who have immune disorders, these are individuals who should get their third shot now and the notion is that because of their immune systems being somewhat blunted they need a third shot to get to full immunity. 



And so that story would be the same for patients who have connective tissue diseases. The connective tissue disease doesn't lead to qualification of needing the third shot. It would be if you had in addition to that one of those particular situations. 



For the rest of us and that would be the most of our individuals who have connective tissue disorders the current recommendation for the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna is that a third shot be given at eight months after the second shot. 



We don't yet have a recommendation, to my knowledge, about a second shot for the J and J vaccine. Remember that was a single shot. There is clear evidence just published in the last couple of weeks that show that a second shot does boost that immunity quite a lot and I expect we'll get a recommendation for when a second shot would be appropriate for people in our country who got the J & J vaccine. That probably will be out there in the near future. 



Currently we have evidence and there is support for giving the vaccines down to age 12 and the vaccine studies are ongoing looking at individuals who are younger than that and that's really an important group we need data on the younger individuals so that we can vaccinate our school children and hopefully avoid the risk of COVID infection in schools.







Currently the, the question about the third shot, "Is it the same or not?" The current recommendations would be that you get a third shot of the same type of vaccine that you got originally. If Pfizer would be the Pfizer shot, Modern would be the Moderna shot and currently the, the third shot is identical to the first two. It's just taking our immunity to that next level.



Now it's possible in the future if, if science shows that there's a variant out there that is not covered by the current vaccine that the vaccine, the vaccine might be altered to be more effective, say, against a variant. 



The delta variant is pretty affected by the current vaccines that we have. It is a bit more challenging and, and so with the delta variant you want to be sure that you've had both shots because it is very affected by a person who's had both shots but if a person has only had one then the delta variant can get out of hand in that type of person.



So we want to get both shots with the Moderna and Pfizer. It is the same shot and and I believe that the current plan for the J&J is that it would also be the same vaccine.







Thankfully the vaccines that have been developed are incredibly safe and, you know, those of us who've gotten them, hopefully all of you have, have had a number of, what I would call, fairly minor complaints, a sore arm, feeling a little fluish if you will, a little achy. 



There's no special side effect profile in individuals who have connective tissue disorders. Their reaction to the vaccine, I believe, has been and should be very similar to the average population that is getting vaccinated in our country and thankfully the vaccines have not only, only been very effective but have not been associated with terrible side effects.







So the the patients who have, individuals who have connective tissue disorders Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz, vascular EDS, for example, we do not believe that they respond any different than the average population to the delta variant of COVID-19. 



Clearly that variant is, is more infectious twice as infectious as the alpha variant and may be a little more likely to cause severe illness than the alpha variant but we have no evidence that the delta variant picks out for, if you will, individuals with connective tissues disorders and makes them worse there's no evidence of that currently in the literature.







I do get asked the question about natural immunity If I've had COVID and if I've had COVID and I have some natural immunity and then I get the vaccination program am I more protected? We don't have any evidence necessarily. That, that's true. 



What we do know for sure is that the amount of immunity that a person gets as a result of being infected varies quite a lot and in general is not nearly as good as the level of immunity you get getting the, the vaccination shots themselves. 



And so the most important take home message for all of us is go through the full vaccination program whether or not we might have been exposed and had a COVID-19 before. 



As far as we know there's no difference in how the immunity of a person with connective tissue disorders like Marfan syndrome or Loeys-Dietz or vascular EDS responds to the vaccines or having COVID or the combination. 



We think that the immune response is very similar to the average population in patients who have connective tissue disorders. 







The current treatments for COVID-19 clearly start with, you know, hospitalization if the oxygen tension level is very low. We give intravenous steroids to patients, who are very sick. We can give monoclonal antibody therapies to individuals who are mildly sick to try to avoid serious illness. There's an antiviral medicine you've heard about called Remdesivir that has some benefit particularly in patients who are sicker. 



There's no evidence that these therapies are less effective or more harmful with side effects in people who have connective tissue disorders and so we would treat the person with a connective tissue disorder essentially the same as somebody that we would consider to be in the average population with therapies currently available for COVID-19.







The question of whether individuals who have connective tissue disorders, "how do they do in terms of recovering from the virus." I would say that the the answer to that is that it's not dependent on the connective tissue disorder itself. 



It's dependent on other factors that probably for the most part are unrelated, how old a person is, if they've had lung injury from anything in the past, if they have some immune issue, if they're overweight or obese or diabetic, these are factors that clearly affect the amount of inflammation that the COVID-19 virus can cause an individual and this affects the likelihood of severe illness, for example. 



But for the most part patients who have individuals with connective tissue disorders that problem itself doesn't have any great impact on the likelihood of either getting COVID-19 or how we would respond to COVID-19.







The question of whether more frequent imaging of a patient with connective tissue disorder should occur after COVID-19 infection has come up and this might be relevant if, if we thought that the COVID-19 virus, say, had a predilection to cause inflammation maybe in the aorta or the heart valves then that, that might be a concern but we're not really seeing that. We don't think that this virus particularly attacks the aorta. It rarely attacks the heart muscle. And, and so the recovery of patients who have connective tissue disorders should be similar to the average population 



And unless there was some red flag suggesting that there was involvement of a structure with, you know, the virus we, we don't want to alter the standard imaging that we do for patients who have, say, aortopathy with vascular disorders or other vascular imaging that we might do. COVID infection should not necessarily alter that plan. 







The question about what we should do with our children and going back to school face-to-face learning is really a challenging one to answer. A first thing I want to say is that I, I don't believe that there should be any different approach whether my child has a connective tissue disorder or whether they are, are not carrying something like that. I think the response should be the same because we believe that the likelihood of serious infection and problems would be similar so then the question is, well, then in general what, what are the current recommendations. 



This varies a lot by region and the safety of in-school learning really has a lot to do with the burden of virus in the community and so if a community is highly vaccinated and there's very little evidence of the virus in the community then the likelihood that a child would get infected in school is much much lower than it would be, for example, in a community where there's really a surge going on. 



I think until our children are vaccinated we're going to continue to be emphasizing simple things that can reduce the likelihood that they would get infected and that's clearly hand washing, social distancing and masking. 



And of course, you know, there's a big political kind of battle going on about, well, "Do we mandatorily mask or not?" I think the evidence is very clear that a child is less likely to convey the virus and get the virus if they mask when they're around other children and it's very hard to know which child might have COVID-19 because many children are asymptomatic while they're carrying the virus.







Key take-home messages from today's discussion I would think are first individuals who have Loeys-Dietz, vascular EDS, Marfan syndrome we do not believe that they are more prone to get infected than the average population with COVID. On average we don't believe they're more likely to have serious complications from COVID.



We believe that in general they respond the same wonderfully effective way in the vaccines. Vaccines work very well in individuals who have connective tissue disorders and there's no evidence that the vaccines are less safe in those groups of individuals and, and all of the treatments that we have available for individuals who develop COVID-19 should have similar effectiveness in individuals who have connective tissue disorders. 



We're very fortunate that the vaccine program is robust. It's safe, the vaccines are very effective, not a hundred percent. 



And we're not out of the woods yet of course as we continue to battle this terrible virus but thankfully we're moving toward a better state and I'm really excited that science keeps pushing forward and giving us new insights that will help us going forward.



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