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歯科とマルファン症候群 ~マルファン症候群の頭蓋顔面に関する新たな研究結果(2)~

Dental Concerns of Marfan Syndrome (Virtual Medical Symposium Series - 01-16-2020)




And we also get craniofacial measurements, so not just photographs we did measurements, and we looked at the width between the eyes, the width of the face meaning, "is it narrow?" and the width of the nose and those were the, the measurements that we found that were characteristically and statistically significant in terms of not being along the the normative measurements for those who did not have Marfan syndrome.



We also looked just to see how many of our cohort had some cardiovascular disorders that wasn't as much of a robust finding but the reason why we wanted to do that is we wanted to see, "could we make any correlation with severity of craniofacial and cardiovascular diagnosis?" and that that was a bit of a hunch but that didn't turn out to be relevant in that situation. We also look to see how many of the subjects had ectopia lentis and not as many in our population as in others.



Of the individuals who we looked at, the high arch palate and dental crowding was only about 35% but that's because we had a lot of young children in our population, so I think some of them just didn't have it yet.



We also noted that if you were a person who was the first person diagnosed, or proband, you tended to be diagnosed later in life. And the other three features that I mentioned before, the facial width, meaning you do have a narrow face, the width between the eyes, and the width of the nose were significantly different from other populations.



From the photographs I think this is just a summary of that the eyes and the cheekbones were notably affected.



We hypothesize that may be the reason why we saw so many differences because we had a bit of an age spread and we think that the phenotype may evolve with age and this may open up the door to newer, more robust studies in, in the future.



So in the future we do want to be able to look at three-dimensional photography and cone beam CTs. I know that Hopkins collaborated with, with actually one of my colleagues at San Francisco and they started that work.



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