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新型コロナウイルス感染症と大動脈疾患についての最新研究 ~ワクチンの安全性について~

Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research




And so, you know, there's always questions about "Are they safe?" So Kim, maybe we can go over some of this data that we've learned.



Thank you, Joe. Yes, so I think it's important for for, for you to recognize that the, the development of the mRNA vaccine technology has been building over almost 20 years. It's not like operation warp speed, suddenly had the idea to develop an mRNA vaccine.



After the SARS epidemic in the early 2,000s, companies began to explore the possibility that the mRNA vaccine technology could be a real solution if there were other types of SARS viruses that came on and so that science was steadily building over more than 15 years and then COVID hit and so these companies were just ready to go ahead and use what they've learned to develop this technology.



If you look at the Pfizer vaccine and the Moderna vaccine, they were given to more than 75,000 subjects before the vaccines were approved for this extraordinary use both here and in other countries.



So it's not like they were tried on a hundred people. These vaccines have been tried on 75,000 literally and the technology is, is not new.



I got my second Pfizer vaccine today and I have absolutely, I have no symptoms, I had no symptoms with the first one, none with the second. None of my patients who've gotten the vaccine have had a significant side effect and we have data on 75,000 patients to suggest that these are, these are safe.



And clearly if you look at the risk of an infection versus the safety of these vaccines for me and my patients, it's a no-brainer. I definitely want them to get the vaccine. So I guess that's what I would say to this audience today.



Right, right, you know, there were, there's been a lot of, you know, things that come up on facebook and, and on the Internet about, you know, whether this can actually interact with the person's DNA or whether this vaccine has the risk of causing a disease, you know.



And so we know that the mRNA vaccine never enters the nucleus of the cell and does not affect or interact with a person's DNA and as Enid said this mRNA vaccine does not contain a live virus, so it doesn't have a risk of causing disease in a vaccinated person.



So those are just some other things of why we think that this vaccine is very safe.



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