COVID-19 Update for the Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, and VEDS Community
So they have another, there's another question here by Alex. That is similar, saying that Israel is examining 62 cases where people experience inflammation of the heart muscle or heart muscle membrane after receiving Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine. Do you think that Marfan and related conditions patients should be concerned?
Well, again I'll, I'll start. I'm not sure there's ever been a more serious scrutiny of individuals who've been vaccinated or are at risk for COVID-19 than in the current environment. You know, we're studying everybody.
If we do magnetic imaging of the heart in healthy people we find a few of them who have evidence that they might have had a virus that caused a little inflammation in either their heart muscle or in the lining of their heart, for example.
There was a recent study of 20,000 collegiate athletes in the United States, who were screened for evidence of cardiac involvement after they had known COVID infection and it was very low.
Tens of thousands of individuals have been studied carefully after vaccination. The original Pfizer and Moderna studies were roughly 70,000 people randomized to get the vaccine or not and I believe J &J was another 30,000, so the totality of individuals who received the vaccine, one of the currently available vaccines is like 50,000 people.
I believe that if there was a significant signal of cardiac or vascular involvement from the inflammatory response to the vaccine we would know it by now. I'm not worried about it at all.
Yeah, I, totally agree. I, I think it's very important that we keep in mind the numbers and the fact is that the trials were conducted in tens of thousands of people but the anticipated number who will receive the vaccine at least one dose of the vaccines are in the hundreds of millions and so the scaling of that exposure is so much higher in the real world than it was in these kind of trials.
And so what that tells us is that we may pick up these incredibly rare signals that do not at all kind of undermine the need for people to get vaccinated and so we shouldn't be alarmed when these signals or these findings or these events happen because it's, it's not unusual that you will have an occasional or very rare event.
But it's very important that our regulatory machinery investigate these fully and work out the statistics of these events and whether there's any evidence of true causality.
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