
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

COVID-19とマルファン関連疾患 ~市販薬について~

COVID-19 and Marfan/VEDS/LDS: Your Questions Answered




Now in terms of the medications to take, I think over-the-counter medications are fairly safe except for the decongestants that have sudafed or pseudoephedrine-related components. Those can often increase your blood pressure and if you have a risk of aortic disease, that's not a medication class that you would necessarily want to use and so I would talk it over with your pharmacist when you're choosing over-the-counter medications or if you need something that's much stronger, I would discuss that with your primary care doctor but it is concerning with some of the decongestants that they have these pseudoephedrine like elements that can cause an escalation in the blood pressure.



We have the next slide.



But Enid, an antihistamines, for example, would be fine? Can you talk about some cold remedies?



Yeah, exactly so the under the over-the-counter antihistamines and I include medications like Claritin under that category are perfectly acceptable except for the fact that they can cause some sedating effects but as long as they don't have that D on the end of the name, then you don't really have to be worried as to whether they have a sudafed or sudafed-like component.



So, Claritin-D does have a sudafed or sudafed-like component as does Allegra-D, so that's what you should be concerned about but a garden-variety antihistamine should be fine.



And there there are some cold medications that are actually marketed for people with high blood pressure or heart disease and that should be something comforting. If you see on the label that it says that a cold medication was made for someone with heart disease that is evidence that it doesn't have a decongestant in it, that will stimulate the heart so that's a that's a good sign to look for when you're at the drugstore.



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