What about if you're also taking like an antidepressant or antianxiety medication at the same time, like something to worry about?
In general, no. If you're, if we're thinking about the antianxiety medicines like benzodiazepines, so Klonopin, Xenax, Ativan, some of those medicines, so that in combination with opioids can be very dangerous because the combination can decrease our respiratory rate and that's why people tend to be at increased risk of overdose.
The other antidepressants have less of a risk of that and are not addictive, so I oftentimes have patients on multiple antidepressant therapies, but, you know, I feel comfortable with the pharmacology of those medications. So it's okay to take more than one medicine, but you don't want to do them when they're gonna increase your risk of overdose.
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