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大動脈手術後の生活についてのオンライン座談会 ~手術前に知っておいてもらいたいこと(医師の解説)~

Personal Perspectives Panel: Life After Aortic Surgery




David, is there anything else that you tell your patients ahead of time before they go into surgery? You're on mute.



So one thing I do tell is what Lauren has been talking about, what Victoria's talking about is that people expect the physical portion, the pain and fatigue and I always, I don't know if I don't remember I gave you the talk but I usually do, I usually sit down with people especially just before discharge I talk about, talking about the psychological and emotional aspects of having gone through what you've been through.



Even if things are going well people expect, "Wow, I just made it to big surgery," you know, "I've survived," and everything but there's a big letdown, right? you know, you've worked yourself up to it psychologically and and then suddenly it's just drawn out from underneath you and so, you know, so it's not uncommon to get depressed, you know.



I have a colleague that gives every one of his patients antidepressants after surgery...






...because depression afterwards is very, very common, you know, and it's, it's, you know, you're, it's what you can't do but also I, I, you know, the all the things that you've been through leading up to it and such, it takes a lot out of you psychologically, emotionally.



So I always warn people about the possibility of being depressed and having somebody to talk to and monitoring yourself. I tell the family to monitor people, see how they're doing, okay? you know, and you know, and, and reach out for help if, if you do think that way so, you know, the medications work sometimes. They actually work quite well in fact for that type of depression even though it's not quote, you know, "major depression."



The, the medications we give for depression actually help and actually they help better even they get you over that hump but, you know, but if anything more there's support from your family and other people and also like you said giving yourself a little break and understanding what's happening there.



So if you break down and cry, okay? even though everything's going fine you haven't gone crazy, okay? This is just, it's part of the process of letting your body and mind get back to normal.



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