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大動脈手術後の生活についてのオンライン座談会 ~術後の体の不調への対処法②(医師の解説)~

Personal Perspectives Panel: Life After Aortic Surgery




Do you, do you prescribe like PT, cardiac rehab all that afterwards so they have like, like formal exercise after surgery before they get, let on their own and you get rejections?



I think it's everybody's different is what I usually do, okay? you know, I think if somebody's motivated and, and such and not scared, okay? some of the reasons I use, you know, cardiac rehab are one some people are not motivated so if I know that they're a slug, okay? Yeah, I'll send them to cardiac rehab because then they have to do it, okay?



And then other people, especially some people who had had an acute emergent surgery, okay? after they've been through this, you know, they're scared, I mean, you were one day, you were a normal young healthy person didn't have to worry about things and suddenly, okay? you've had cardiac surgery and so it's very, very scary and so cardiac rehab can be wonderful in an environment where you're supervised where they can guide you, you feel comfortable pushing yourself, so, so I think, you know, definitely do that.



PT, I use a lot of, okay? you know, especially if some, if we're a little late and the back is really tight. PT is a wonderful way to address that they loosen that up. If somebody has had a thoracic surgery, okay? absolutely everybody gets PT as soon as that wound is healed enough that, it's safe enough to begin PT. everybody should be PT. We'll get that flexibility back and such sternotomy a little less so but certainly I, I, would say probably about 30 of my patients do wind up going to PT at some point in the recovery process. I highly encourage it.



So, so generally if you're not, if you're not getting yourself active again you're just gonna be tired, you're not gonna regain yourself as quickly as you might otherwise, and if you push too hard, you'll overdo it and you'll feel it, will it lead to like worsening in your aorta and medical problems in the future if you overdo it. People are asking all these kinds of questions.



Generally not. I mean, you know, because usually you stop yourself after a while, okay? The last thing to learn is you shouldn't keep doing it, all right? You know, obviously if you're out here lifting hefty weights and get your blood pressure up that's, that's a real problem,but in terms of getting out walking and being active again, you know, you just sometimes just push too much and you just have to learn and say, "Okay, listen to your body." Okay? you know, okay, I can push a little bit, I shouldn't push the exhaustion, you know, because then you're going to pay a price.



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