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Open Thoracoabdominal Repair: Surgery Series (2/16/21)




After the surgery what's the recovery like? How long does the pain last?



It's, it's very different from individual to, to individual. I think it's a huge incision and if, I think it was on me if it would probably hurt a lot for a long time but patients with Marfan syndrome are an amazing group of people they, they're, they're, they're as, as a group compared to the atherosclerotic older individuals. They're younger, they're actually, the flexibility of being able to open their chest and abdominal cavity is somewhat helpful and they seem to recover amazingly quickly.



But to get back to a full bountiful normal life generally takes it can take three to six months but they're out of the hospital in anywhere from six to seven days to two weeks. The usual thing would be about nine days but when they leave the hospital, I mean, they're on their feet, they're eating and that sort of thing. Patients who have complications, it's a different story but within a few weeks, I mean, they're, they're up and around and doing reasonably well but it does take a while for all of this to heal up and get them back to a situation where their daily activities are closer to, to what they were before the surgery.



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