
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic




There are several questions about physical activity and Marfan syndrome and Loeys-Dietz, so Dr. Morris, can you just talk about that from, you know, from diagnosis and while you're monitoring it and then Dr. Malaisrie, can you pick up from like what do you tell your patients after aortic surgery?



Sure, so, you know, there is a misconception that people with Marfan syndrome can't exercise and that could, couldn't be further from the truth, you know, I think there's a fear that if your heart rate up or your blood pressure that's going to be dangerous but we actually know that exercise especially cardio like aerobic exercise seems to be very good for the vessels. 



There's a really good mouse study that shows this and there's several studies including we're running a study right now looking at MRIs and people who do moderately intense exercise, who actually do kind of a higher level of exercise.



Now that being said participating in competitive sports at a high school or college level some sports are restricted and that's because of risk of aortic dissection with a large impact or certain high-intensity sports, so at a, at it like at an elementary school level I don't restrict children at all or most middle schools except Texas eighth graders but but once you get to high school, you know, sports, contact sports are limited like football and basketball but, you know, a lot like usually most of us will let people still do track but not shot put but, you know, running some team sports that are not contact are allowed. You really have to work with your, your particular doctor on that. 

とはいえ、高校や大学での勝敗を競うスポーツへの参加は制限されます。運動負荷の高いスポーツでは大動脈解離のリスクがあるためです。小学生レベルのスポーツであれば、制限はしませんし、大部分の中学校で行うスポーツも同様です。ただしテキサス州の中学2年生は例外ですけれども… 高校でのフットボールやバスケットボールといった接触を伴うスポーツは制限されます。陸上のトラック競技については、医師の大半は許可すると思いますが、砲丸投げは禁止です。接触を伴わない走るスポーツは許可されているのですが、やはり担当医と相談が必要です。


But in general exercise is great. It's just when you get to a competitive level and you're gonna have a coach pushing you past your limits or if you're at risk of major contact those are the sports that are restricted. And weightlifting. Weightlifting as well, heavy weight lifting and that when you have to bear down can put excessive force on your aorta and increase risk of aortic dissection.



In a short, that's the short way. This could be an hour long talk but...



And then Dr. Malaisrie, what about after aortic surgery?



We want our patients to exercise, especially the younger patients and even more so the older patients, so we feel very bad when patients have aneurysms and Marfan patie, in Marfan's and tell them they have to exercise restricts, meaning patients go home and just sit on the couch. It's just a terrible, terrible thing but after a successful operation and provided that all of the aneurysm is resected patients can go back to the activity that they had before they had an aortic aneurysm but there's one caveat. We're very careful at looking the post-operative imaging before we release patients back to regular activity, so we'll get a image before they leave the hospital after their operation and then we'll get one more CT scan or MR angiogram at one year's time to make sure the aneurysm repair is indeed intact and that point we'll send patients back to the referring and say that hey this patient had a successful repair, exercise restrictions can definitely be reduced. 



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