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心エコーレポートの「圧較差(pressure gradient)」とは何か?

Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered




Somebody says every time I get an echo and they're post-surgery they have a quote-unquote increased gradient pressure. Can you explain what that is, why, how it affects, what's the effect of that?


術後の心エコーレポートで、「increased gradient pressure(圧較差上昇)」というコメントを毎回書かれます。これはどういう意味ですか?


Is that heart surgery already? They've had surgery and they have increased radiant pressure so what is increased gradient pressure what are they talking about? It's in the echo report. Yeah gradient, right yes, yeah so I'm assuming they have had a surgery for aortic valve and af, and the aneurysm, a Bentall kind of surgery with the graft and the bioprosthetic valve so that what ends up happening is natural valves produce they have maximum opening and produce very less gradient across that valve in the sense that the pressure change across that valve or velocity change across that valve is less but when you put a bioprosthetic valve, which is not an ideal valve, right? It doesn't last forever. It lasts about 10 to 15 years. There is a great inherent pressure gradient across the valve. There is flow gradient across the valve that increases as the age of this bioprosthetic valve happens over a period of 10 years because of wear and tear. If it acutely happens right after the bioprosthetic valve is because they may have had blood clots or something on the valve but usually the gradient increases as it gets older.




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