New ACC/AHA Aortic Disease Management Guidelines: What do they mean for you?
Another section of the paper was talking about quality of life both in the importance of regular mild to moderate physical activity and if you're not sure what that is Dr. Braverman did a webinar a few weeks ago and that I think is available on the Foundation's YouTube channel. They also have physical activity guidelines on their website. But the takeaway is that it's important to stay active.
ガイドラインにあるQOLの項目について述べさせていただきます。まず、軽度から中等度の運動を定期的に行うということです。運動に関しては、数週間前にBraverman先生によるウェビナーが開催されましたので、そちらをご覧ください。The Marfan Foundationのホームページにリンクがあると思います。また、同じく運動ガイドラインについてもホームページにあります。重要なことは、アクティブであり続けることです。
There's a recommendation for cardiac rehab after aortic surgery and this is something that's new, cardiac rehab had been used for heart attacks before but research is showing that it's effective for aortic surgery as well, so that's something to ask about see if your insurance will cover.
And then the importance of recognizing and addressing anxiety, depression and PTSD following surgery, so if you're noticing these signs in yourself it's worth it to bring it up to your physician and then hopefully physicians will be screening and looking for these signs because it's not uncommon after surgery to have some of these mental health issues come up, next slide.
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