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Navigating GI Management in LDS





Can EoE be triggered hours after exposure to the allergen? Is that different than a long-term symptom onset? I think I'm not exactly sure how the question... maybe you understand what they're asking please?





EoE is a slow motion allergy, and things tend to build up over weeks. But certainly, you can have symptoms several hours after you eat the food. A lot of times it depends on the symptom, but yes that can happen.




Although what needs to be considered is what is the reaction and what is the food. If two to four hours after you have dairy, for example, you're getting pain and bloating and gas, that's actually more likely to be something called lactose intolerance, which is an inability to digest the milk sugar. It's actually normal for humans to become lactose intolerant as they get older. So if it's two hours later after I have dairy I get gas and distension and pain and bloating, that's likely lactose intolerance.




If it's abdominal pain two to four hours after you have some other food, that could be eosinophilic esophagitis. But again, the only way we can diagnose these eosinophilic GI diseases is with an endoscopy with biopsy.




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