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LDSガイドラインの改訂に向けて ~避けるべき薬~

LDS Guidelines: Then vs. Now




So there are other medications that we suggested avoiding back in 2014. 




One was a class of medications commonly used to treat migraine headaches, called triptans. These medications are quite good at, at stopping a migraine headache that's already started but they work by causing blood vessels to tighten, so-called vasoconstric, vasoconstrictors and the general recommendation is that this class of medication should be avoided in people with vascular disease. We believe that that extends to people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome. 




Fortunately, there are many new classes of medications that are effective at both preventing migraine headaches and also stopping a migraine headache that's also started, so we do believe that there are good and safe alternatives. 




Decongestants, anything meant to dry out the mucous membranes also have some stimulatory effect on the cardiovascular system that can include an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. We don't, we're not worried if someone occasionally uses a decongestant. For example, if they have a bad cold for a couple of days but if someone develops a pattern of regular use of decongestants, for example, for allergies during the whole allergy season we think that this stimulatory effect on the cardiovascular system could be problematic, so we would suggest avoiding prolonged use of decongestants.




There is a class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones. Scott LeMaire and colleagues at Baylor have extensively studied this class of antibiotics in people with, I'm sorry, in mouse models with connective tissue disorders. It is known that this class of antibiotics can have effects on the integrity of connective tissue in general and that this has caused problems in people. There are now studies to suggest that the problems that can be seen in people that take this class of antibiotics can include more rapid growth and potentially tear of the aorta. 




So the general recommendation once again is that this class of antibiotics should be avoided if there are good alternatives. If you have a life-threatening infection and the only antibiotic that will work to treat the infection is a fluoroquinolone then the drugs should still be used but if there are alternatives they should, they should be used instead. 




One other question just in terms of meds that came up. If you want to comment on like the use of ADHD stimulant medication. 




That's a great question, so there are many different types of medications that are used for attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity, so-called ADHD. Some of those medications are non-stimulants. They, they don't cause, have a stimulatory effect on the central nervous system or the cardiovascular system. Other medications that are commonly used to treat ADHD are stimulant medications and can have effects on the cardiovascular system.




Our belief and our general recommendation or now over many years has been that the treatment of ADHD is very important to allow people to learn and to socialize and to do many important things, so we do think that the perhaps non-stimulant medication should be tried first, if they are effective fine. If they're not effective then we do recommend advancing to stimulant medications as long as the cardiovascular status is being carefully monitored. 




We would, for example, check the heart rate and blood pressure when someone's first starting on a stimulant medication and also as the dose is being increased if a rise in heart rate or blood pressure is seen we think it's possible to compensate by using higher doses of other cardiovascular medications such as angiotensin receptor blockers and/or beta blockers, so we would support the use of stimulant medication for people that need that class to, to adequately treat ADHD.




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