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LDSガイドラインの改訂に向けて ~血管の外科手術~

LDS Guidelines: Then vs. Now




So in terms of vascular surgery as well we really want to make sure in the upcoming guidelines that we get our vascular surgery colleagues involved. This is a slide again. My, some of you might have seen last year when we talked with Dr. Black but there are kind of practice guidelines, especially surrounding the visceral or the arteries in the abdomen that are going to the GI tract and kind of what dimensions surgical intervention is performed at and we in general use these guidelines as well for Loeys-Dietz syndrome but having a dissection in a blood vessel and/or rapid growth are also considerations that might alter these. 




So in the newer guidelines we also want to make sure that we expand our cerebrovascular section now that we have a little bit more information on that and making sure that we're including more information about these visceral artery surgical thresholds. 




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