Advances in the Treatment of Aortic Dissection
Let's start with a question for Dr. Moon. You mentioned the new AATS guidelines.What, what were the, were big three big changes that came out of that?
Well, I think what it, number one was the extent of the resection. It used to be, let's, like I said, our number one goal is to get the patient out of the operating room safely and move on to the next. But we've, we've started and, one of the questions I saw come to in the chat line is, "What about a dissection that occurred that is present beyond a repair and, and that is actually a very common occurrence and, and I think Dr. Ohman and I in the last two weeks have dealt with three patients with this exact same problem and, and it's very complex because patients need another surgery through the front and potentially another one through the back, so I think one, one important thing is the extent of resection so if we can resect enough aorta that we can prevent sort of that second operation in the front. That's the most important thing and, and there are very, very safe ways to do that.
Dr. Moon:
And, and one of the things that we're working on and, and it's got to be done in, in an experimental way and sort of followed up and safely is, is trying to develop stents that can remodel the portions of the aorta we can't see when we're fixing the type A, so that Dr. Ohman can then go in and not have to do a complex combination of open and closed surgery. He can put an endograft and we've got a nice landing zone for that to, to treat further downstream disease, so I think those are the most important changes.
Dr. Moon:
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