Advances in the Treatment of Aortic Dissection
So where are we going in the future and what, if you take away four things from this talk what should it be?
One blood pressure control is essential. Both pre- and post-dissection events beta blockade does save lives.
I think we're going to see the genotype as a risk predictor within a certain diagnosis of aortopathy, so not just Marfan behaves one way, Loeys-Dietz behaves one way and vascular Ehlers-Danlos behaves one way but certain mutations within the Marfan family or within the vascular Ehlers-Danlos family behave differently and so we're going to be more aggressive with x therapy.
Endovascular repair is a option in very highly selected patients in an emergency or extremis and should not be thought of as a first-line repair.
And then long-term surveillance is mandatory. Even if you have great images and great remodeling of the aortic segment you can still have late aortic events and so please do not think we pat ourselves on the back after we put an endograft in and it's 30 days or it's one year. These are patients that are still aggressively followed and do require late intervention.
So as Dr. Moon said please feel free to email me. This is my office phone number call. I'm one of the younger generations so I am on twitter. If you want to engage me there feel free to do so. As Dr. Moon, Dr. Braverman, Eileen, myself can all attest this is something that we all feel passionate about and want to see improved care across the world for patients with these conditions, so thank you, everyone.
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