Living a Life with LDS (September 12, 2020) E3 Summit
About children and how often, how often they should be getting an MRI image being done? Two kids with SMAD3. Is every two years acceptable as I have read how quickly things can change for them and their birth father died in his early 30s. That's the, this is imaging about, looks like young children.
Yes, so I think I want to echo, some of the things that Hal said earlier we do try to individualize management for each family. There is some general guidelines but as Hal already indicated it is important to look at the nature of the mutation, the nature of the gene, the family history that is there and that should also determine the frequency of, of the imaging.
In, in general we do perform regular echocardiography because still in as in Marfan syndrome in LDS the most commonly affected site is, is the the aorta where the blood vessel comes out of the heart so the root and the ascending aorta.
But we do add additional imaging as was discussed also by Hal at least a baseline imaging should be performed, which would be a CTA or an MRA including the brain and the pelvis and then we make decisions based on the initial results if something is observed on that baseline imaging. It might be necessary to repeat that within a year. If everything looks completely fine, no aneurysms, no severe tortuosity then we can probably spread out the interval.
I think initially we recommend doing it in everybody every year but we learn, we are learning and in those individuals that have milder phenotype I think it's fine to extend that interval to every two years maybe later on when they get older and you have several normal images it could be three years even. Yeah I think that answers the question.
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