Living a Life with LDS (September 12, 2020) E3 Summit
Okay, I think that covers most of the imaging questions that I've seen here. I'm gonna move now.
Can I..
Go ahead.
I'm going to ask a question about imaging because I think it should be discussed. So Bart, should people do MRAs or CTAs? What's the difference? Why people want over the other?
Yeah, well I, so the difference I'll explain that first is the MRA is is based on magnetic resonance so does not involve x-rays whereas the CTA is based on x-rays and so there is some concerns that if you do too often CTAs that that might be not so good for, for the for the tissues and although we do know that over recent years I think the, the load of x-rays has, has improved so that's one consideration, that's been taken into account specifically in, in children.
But I think the other important aspect is also the expertise that's there at your local center. I think if there is more experience in interpreting CTAs than with MRAs I, I think we should weigh the advantage and the disadvantage and then maybe the experience and the expertise in the center is, is more important than the x-ray burden that, that we do get. Anything else that you thought that we should mention?
Yeah, so I think that the radiation exposure issue is one that we now think a lot about. You know, it's clear that a lot of radiation exposure can increase the risk for things like cancer. It's also clear that our body has memory for how much radiation it's seen throughout a lifetime so we have to be aware of how much exposure someone's getting and if they have a condition like Loeys-Dietz syndrome we can anticipate that they're going to need imaging throughout a long lifetime.
CT scans and MRI scans both give nice pictures. The CT scan has the benefit that it's really fast. MRA scans can, for to do large segments of the body, can take an hour or more and that could be particularly challenging for a young child.
So occasionally what we'll decide to do in a young child is to initially do CT scans because they're super fast, they take literally seconds to image the whole body but then plan on transitioning to MRA scans once the child can cooperate and, you know, would not for example need anesthesia to have a prolonged MRA scan.
The other issue is an issue of resolution, you know, so while I said both are good CTA scans are somewhat better to look very carefully at small blood vessels and, you know, often in the head.
After an MRA scan the radiologist will have a question they'll say, you know, ”I'm not really sure whether what I'm seeing might be a tiny little bulge in a blood vessel or whether it's just a part of the normal anatomy," so sometimes when that kind of question comes up after an MRA scan it will be recommended to do a CT scan of the same area to try to get a more clear view. That's not so important with bigger blood vessels and has in particular been an issue in small blood vessels in the head and neck area.
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