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大動脈疾患の診断と管理に関するACC/AHAガイドライン2022 ~大動脈径の計測方法~

New ACC/AHA Aortic Disease Management Guidelines: What do they mean for you?




One of the most important parts of the guidelines is really a whole section on emphasizing how to measure the aorta. Everyone who sees individuals and, and talks to patients and families about the aorta really relies on very accurate standardized measurements and recordings of what is the aortic size really measure. 




And so we use echocardiograms up in panel A at the top and then we use cross-sectional imaging like CT scans and MRI scans with contrast called angiographies, MR and CT angiography. 




And, and the guidelines again it's not new but I think a big emphasis on how to measure this in a standardized manner, so we all do it the same way and make the recordings in a similar manner and then report those recordings, so it can be uniform and very helpful to you and to us when we say whether the aorta has changed based upon this measurement versus that measurement.




And then standardizing how CTs and MRIs should be done and recorded as you can see in that panel C. The shape of the aorta on that two-dimensional picture is of curve, it, it's a very dramatic curve to it, it's not a straight line, so all those diameters are measured perpendicular to the long axis of blood flow you can see. Just like if you wanted to slice a banana you could slice it in all sorts of different manners to make different shapes but if you want to get a round slice you have to slice it just perpendicular to the way the blood flows or where the way the banana curves, so teaching about that by educating about that trying to get the aortic diameters constant so there won't be mismeasurements. This is an important part of the standardization that's in this document. 




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