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大動脈の画像検査 ~大動脈画像検査に関する推奨事項~

Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered




What are the recommendations for imaging of the aorta? So these are the main things that to remember, you know, diameters are measured of the aortic root and the aorta at pre-specified site and the first cartoon I kind of showed you are like way to measure root, ascending aorta, arch and the pre-specified points. There's a measure every time you measure you want to use the same methodology for measuring and if you it is a all relevant the segmentation of the aorta they should be reported the same way every time and obviously you have to keep in mind that pregnancy, renal function, allergy to the contrast before you acquire images and if somebody is getting repeated imaging you need to decrease radiation. Having said that remember the techniques the CT have gotten so better. Radiation doses very low nowadays with scanning. 




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